I often wonder if what I write in my blog is making an impact on anyone or if it is just a means for me to transfer information out of my head and practice my writing skills. So I took a poll of my blog subscribers and asked for their favorite articles. I'm glad to have received a response! Here are the top five.
Doing Dishes Can Be Hard on Your Health
A tongue in cheek look at how common household chores can cause unsuspected injuries.
Standing Alignment, Exercise of the Month
Those of us who teach standing alignment, like my belly dance teacher Aleili, can feel like a broken record repeating and repeating the hows and whys of standing tall. However, standing alignment is the base of all movement.
A New Twist on Everyday Exercise: Fun!
This post features a video from TheFunTheory.com that shows how people choose exercise when it's pleasurable, like the piano stairs installed in this subway.
Fascia Refresher
Fascia is near and dear to my heart. How good to know that more people are finding it fascia-nating.
5 Ways to Stop a Pain Cycle
This article was the most researched and informative article of 2010. It is required reading for my clients with chronic pain.
I have to admit that my list of favorite articles is quite long. In looking back through the year, I realize that I like what I write about and am glad others do, too. I already have a slate of articles planned for 2011, but if you have any suggestions, please leave a comment.