Friday, December 27, 2013

Therapeutic Fitness Challenge 2014 Begins January 5

I don't know about you, but due to the hectic season I got off track with my regular exercise and I ate too many (gluten-free) cookies. I am looking forward to reestablishing my fitness routine in 2014. (Although I'd like to think I would start sooner, I'm still catching up.)

If you are someone who has difficulty exercising because of an injury or illness, I invite you to participate in my free Therapeutic Fitness Challenge. I created this program for clients who I consider "fragile," those who are particularly prone to flare ups from exercise. Based on feedback from the beta test completed in October, I have made improvements and will have the new program ready to go on January 5th.

This is a 18-day program that can be completed in three weeks, one month, or any timeframe that suits you. Each day will include three assignments that together will take from 30 to 60 minutes. The assignments will include a breathing component, a physical component, and a mental component. Like other fitness challenges it is meant to require a commitment, but unlike other programs of this sort it will not test how much you can do, but how well you can discriminate between what is good for you and what is not. The most important part of the challenge is to be consistent, devoting at least a half an hour a day to your health and learning when you need to rest.

Many of the assignments are demonstrated on a YouTube video by yours truly. They can be done in the comfort of your home at your convenience. 
There are several ways for you to participate:

  • Starting January 5th, check back here for the assignments. (Perhaps even add this blog to your website favorites.)
  • Sign up to receive email reminders. Many people in the beta test enjoyed receiving an email with an overview of the assignments and links to keep them motivated and on track. You can sign up to receive the emails daily for three weeks or every other day with the idea to complete the program in a little over a month. If you want to receive email reminders, reply to this message and let me know if you want to be on the daily or every-other-day list. If you'd like the reminders, please sign up before January 4 by sending an email to with a note about whether you'd like to get daily emails or notices every-other day.
  • If you are on Facebook, you can access links to the assignments on the Undulation Exercises page. You can ask questions there that I'll answer, and you'll also receive answers and encouragement from others taking the challenge. A link to the Facebook page is included in the upper right corner of this blog.
  • You can also recommend the program to people who know who could benefit by passing this message along to them.
There will be no charge for the program; it's free! although there will be ads on a few of the YouTube videos. I am happy to coach participants who want or need a little extra encouragement, explanation, or caution via Skype or telephone for a fee of $30 for a 15-minute consultation. I am available for TFC consultations on Mondays. If you have a structural integrator or yoga therapist near you, you could also contact them for private consultation.
I hope you enjoy participating in the TFC and that it helps you become more fit and aware of your body's needs.

1 comment:

YogaNan knits, too... said...

Uh oh, mo challenge for today! Guess I'll repeat so e of my faves. Thanks for doing this, Anita. It is helping me jump start some changes.