The elderly often stoop under a heavy cloak of past injury and poor habit. On the other end of the spectrum, toddlers spring up from the ground without the burden of malformed muscle and connective tissue.
Parents have more information to pass on about the birds and the bees than they do about good posture. So most people run around with the mistaken notion that pulling shoulders back is the correct way to stand tall, but doing so actually adds tension to the upper back and is one of the most common habits that eventually leads to a stoop.
Good posture is so simple and it builds core muscles, heals injury, and perpetuates more ease.

From here, relax your arms at your sides. If you feel you could be taller, lift your chest, push your feet into the ground and reach through the crown of your head. Your shoulders naturally fall back and down without strain when you lift your heart.
While this “ground-up” method is not familiar, most people are often surprised at how easy it is to have good posture. The “shoulders-back” method is a heavy burden that doesn’t need to be born by anyone—young or old. You can take a few years off your frame by practicing ground-up posture every day.
Good Posture is essential, I agree. But what about getting out of bed and jolting every part of your body from the pain and sting in your feet, to the hips, and spine, including my stenotic cervical neck. I am desperate for help and it looks like this is worth trying.
Dear Watercolor2,
I certainly agree about the difficulty of getting out of bed when you are in pain. As a matter of fact, I had just that situation this morming and wrote about it, so please check out today's article on my blog.
Also, I hope that you'll try some of the undulation samples that are on my website, www.undulationexercise.com. Let me know how they work for you and feel free to ask me questions. You are exactly the type of person I hoped to reach with my exercises.
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